Saturday, October 17, 2009

New apprentices

"Let all those cats who are old enough to catch their own food join for a clan meeting!" Honeystar yowled. "Today we have 2 kits who are turning into Apprentices, step up" They step up.

"Creamkit, you will get the warrior name Creampaw! MorningMist! Teach her all your wisdom, knowledge and share your strength" She meowed

"Flamekit, you will get the warrior name Flamepaw! Hawkfeather! Teach him all you know!" she meows.

Creampaw and Morningmist touch noses, so does Flamepaw and Hawkfeather.

Meeting Dismissed!


  1. I will do my best. *he said to his leader*


    I will teach this apprentice all I know. *Morningmist meowed*


  2. Creampaw jumped "Can't wait! Flamepaw aren't you excited!?" She meowed. Flamepaw nodded. His eyes seemed to tell it all he was exploding.
